Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Throw-back Thursday: Baby Malee!!

In honor of the quickly approaching birth of our second baby elephant, let's take a look back at his or her sister; Malee!

Malee was the first elephant baby born at the OKC Zoo. Born April 15, 2011, she weighed 304 lbs. (She's now almost 2,000 lbs!!!) Her name means "Flower," in Thai.

Her Father is Sneezy, from Tulsa Zoo, and her Mother is Asha, the older of the two adult female half-sisters at OKC. Chandra is Asha's half-sister (and Malee's favorite playmate!)
Chandra (left), Asha (Right) and a 4-week-old Malee (bottom center between the adults.)
Photo by Jamie West.

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